How to make use of the teacher's feedback?

Consider the last time you received a failing grade on a test. Disappointing right? For most, it either ends up in the garbage or the bottom of your backpack the day the paper is returned. However, is that the wisest move for a student looking to improve? It is so important for students to read and understand the teacher’s feedback on their performance. Effective feedback improves students’ work, especially when specific recommendations on areas to improve are given.

How should students incorporate feedback into practice? Here are some suggestions to help you get better.

Develop the habit of listening

Despite contrary beliefs, teachers give feedback to help you perform better. They are likened to a coach, who wants to see his/her entire classroom succeed. However, suggestions are not always received positively. It’s not an attack, trust me. Try listening or reading, you may pick up a few golden nuggets. A change in behavior can improve your performance by miles. Also, use the opportunity to ask for specific advice on a particular question and how to perform differently to achieve better grades in the future.

Understand what you want to improve

The best students did not become the best overnight. Good feedback directs your attention to a few areas each time. For example, if you want to improve your grades in Mathematics, you should focus on the errors you made and learn from your mistakes each time. By receiving feedback on a troubling topic, you can get clarity and avoid similar mistakes in future tests and exams.  

Accept that change is important.

Change in the course of action is necessary for your performance, and you should embrace it. Successful students believe that improvement is essential, and they are accountable for their actions. They have specific goals and look for the best ways to achieve them.

However, when something does not go in the way planned, they seek an expert's guidance which helps them to adopt a new strategy to perform better. The growth mindset helps you to adapt to a particular situation quickly and seek feedback that helps you to achieve your goals.

Actively embrace the feedback.

When you accept that change is required, you are more likely to incorporate feedback from your teachers and tutors on your daily performance. You cannot correct your faults if you are unaware of them. Effective feedback will help you recognize mistakes in your assignments.

Focus your time on the important things

When a teacher is willing to give you feedback, you should absorb as much information as possible. Make a list of topics in which you are weak start practicing them, and after each practice, again get feedback. If you have some doubts that you didn't effectively get the idea or that the particular point is misunderstood, decide whether you want to raise the point during the conversation, or you could ask that in the follow-up session.


Consider these points, the next time you think about tossing a bad grade into the bin. You could be missing an opportunity for effective feedback. Mistakes are not only possible but also necessary to become the best student you can be.



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