Tips for finding the best study spaces

Productivity is important no matter whether you study at school or at home. One of the main things to do when studying is to find a place that is effective and could support your learning efforts. It is difficult to learn in a room full of noise or distractions, so it is essential that you find a peaceful place in your house to study and learn better. We all study differently, so try different tools as not all will be applicable to you. In this blog, we will provide some tips for finding a perfect study space for yourself.

Choose a Well-lit Area

When choosing a place to study, choose a place with good lighting. It can make a big difference and help you study peacefully for extended hours. To create a warm and good study space, some reflected light will make the room look good. Moreover, you should also place your desk near a window to let natural light come in. Natural light is also healthy for you.

Studying in a dimly lit area causes various issues: eye strain, discomfort, lower concentration, and disorientation because your eyes are constantly adjusting between the screen brightness and dimly lit surroundings. For reading, preferably, the light should be behind you.

Choose a Private Corner

Choose a place that is private and has minimum distractions. Designate a place and use it for learning only. This way, it will be associated with the study, and you will be able to keep it private and separate from your family.

Choose a Comfortable Place

By comfort, we do not mean you find a place at home where you could slouch. Instead, invest in a comfortable chair that supports your back and neck. Since you may need to sit for extended hours, you need to have a comfortable chair that provides support and help you concentrate.

For this, ergonomic chairs work the best. These chairs are specifically designed to support your spine and avoid any kind of strain. It helps you sit in a neutral, pain-free position. Additionally, try sitting with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90-degree angle. Your desk should have a resting place for your forearms so that you can type without straining or stressing your joints.

Choose a Noise-free Location

Many students prefer listening to soft music while studying, it helps to remain calm and maintain focus. Unfortunately, this may not work for everyone. If you concentrate on the song or music more than on your work, it will be better for you to skip this idea. Rather, try listening to white noise, classical music, or orchestra. These kinds of music often lack vocals and produce mild effects without disturbing your focus and helping you stay productive.

We cannot forget about the cellphones. Students often struggle with maintaining their focus because of their phones. For better time management and focus, it is better to switch your phone off or at least silence it. Switching it off may seem difficult initially, but you will see extreme changes that will help you maintain proper focus.


Exams and assignments are difficult. Any learner must have significant knowledge that they must study, memorize, and practice. Furthermore, juggling your education at home can feel like an uphill battle. The good news is that with a little bit of strategy, planning, and organization, you can set up a fruitful study space suitable for tackling any assignment or exam.




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