Putting first things first: Prioritizing Social Life and Academics

We are all aware of how challenging it can be to manage social life with academics. There are never enough hours in the day, so attempting to fit everything in could be challenging. The best advice for managing your time, taking care of your workload, and juggling your social and academic lives is provided in this blog. Here are seven steps you can take today.


1. Focus on the Complete Picture

Try to take the time to make a mental map of the goals that you want to achieve in the long run. This could be homework, a test or a project due in a few weeks. Keeping this in mind will help you see where you are headed, and you will be able to break it down into several reasonable chunks


2. Make a List

Make a list of the tasks you need to address daily. Consider the obstacles that you need to overcome to continue. Do them one at a time and cross them off once they are done. This will provide a clear picture of where you stand, and completing these tasks will give you a sense of accomplishment.


3. Keep an Eye on the Deadlines

Meeting school deadlines is a must. We often begin working on easier tasks and goals before taking on the tough ones. While this could be a good strategy to handle the workload, it is crucial to keep an eye on the deadlines and order accordingly.


4. Make Smaller Chunks of a Large Task

Instead of taking on the entire task in one go, break it down into smaller and manageable chunks and tasks. This way, you can do it without being overwhelmed and tired.


5. Be Prepared for the Unexpected

The unexpected could still happen no matter how workable and efficient your schedule is. When making a schedule, make sure that you spare yourself enough time to tackle the unexpected and work it out.

6. Remove Distractions

Distractions take all forms. You can begin by switching your phone off and finding a more secluded place to work.

 7. Be Kind to Yourself

Being a student can be hard at times. You have to juggle many things: multiple subjects, classwork, homework, test, and projects. Take some time to reward yourself for big and small accomplishments. These rewards could be anything from a small treat to planning a get-together with your friends.

Following these seven tips will help you easily balance academics and social life without compromising on any activities.


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